
5 Account Based Marketing Tools You Must Know in 2024


In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, Account Based Marketing (ABM) tools have become indispensable for targeting and engaging high-value accounts effectively.

As we look toward 2024, staying ahead of the curve means equipping yourself with the best ABM tools that the industry has to offer.

Whether you’re looking to enhance personalization, streamline campaigns, or achieve unprecedented alignment between sales and marketing teams, the right tools can make all the difference.

In this blog, we’ll unveil the top 5 Account Based Marketing tools you simply can’t live without in 2024, ensuring your strategy is not only current but also remarkably effective.

account based marketing basics

Understanding Account Based Marketing  

Collaborative Effort  

Firstly, in order to succeed, marketing and sales teams must establish a strong partnership for effective ABM implementation.

This collaboration plays a crucial role in ensuring that both teams align their strategies and actions effectively.

Together, they present a cohesive approach to each targeted account.

Consequently, the collaboration extends beyond just planning; it encompasses execution and continuous interaction.

This broad engagement enhances the effectiveness of every communication with the customer.

Choosing the Right Accounts  

The first critical step in ABM is selecting accounts to target.

Businesses meticulously pick these accounts based on their potential value, not at random.

Considerations include the account’s size and its position in the industry.

Additionally, the provider evaluates its potential for purchasing or expanding business with the account.

Finally, the goal is to focus resources on accounts that are most likely to generate significant revenue.

Personalized Marketing Approach  

With the key accounts identified, ABM involves creating marketing campaigns that are specifically tailored to resonate with each account.

This means customizing communications and content to address the unique challenges, needs, and business goals of each account.

For instance, if targeting a tech company, the campaign might emphasize how the product can efficiently scale technology infrastructure.

This directly addresses the specific needs of the company.

Detailed Understanding of the Account  

Executing effective ABM requires a deep understanding of each target account’s business.

This involves more than knowing what the company does.

It includes exploring the industry dynamics, competitive landscape, and the roles and influence of key decision-makers within the company.

This detailed knowledge enables marketers to create more relevant and compelling marketing messages.

These messages are more likely to engage decision-makers and influence their purchasing decisions.

account based marketing implementation

How is Account Based Marketing Implemented?  

Implementing account based marketing involves several key steps:

Identifying Key Accounts: ABM starts with identifying high-value accounts that have the potential for high returns.

Targeted Campaign Strategies: Once ABM identifies the accounts, marketers craft personalized ABM campaigns.

Marketers design these campaigns to resonate with the specific needs and interests of each account.

Sales and Marketing Alignment: ABM requires tight integration between sales and marketing teams.

This ensures that they deliver consistent and effectively targeted campaign messages.

account based marketing tools

Top 5 Account Based Marketing Tools for 2024  



As a pioneer in the ABM space, Demandbase stands out for its comprehensive capabilities that cover the entire spectrum of ABM processes.

This is one of the account based marketing tools which includes everything from initial account identification to engagement and performance measurement.

Moreover, this platform empowers marketers to execute highly effective ABM campaigns by providing tools that automate the personalization process at scale.

With advanced features like AI-driven insights and real-time data analytics, Demandbase helps marketers optimize their strategies.

Finally, this leads to better engagement and conversions from their key accounts.

Demandbase has been recognized for enhancing the effectiveness of ABM strategies, with statistics showing a significant impact on B2B engagements.For detailed insights and verification, you can visit Demandbase’s report here.



Terminus is recognized for its robust functionality in executing multifaceted ABM campaigns across various channels.

These include digital advertising, email marketing, and social engagement.

This tool excels at integrating different marketing channels to ensure a cohesive and uniform message is delivered across all touchpoints.

Ideal for businesses looking to scale their ABM efforts, Terminus offers features like automated campaign creation.

Detailed analytics allow marketers to measure campaign effectiveness and make data-driven adjustments.

Terminus has demonstrated significant effectiveness in enhancing ABM strategies.

According to customer feedback and studies, the integration of Terminus for ABM campaigns has led to a 313% ROI over three years (JIFFLENOW).

Additionally, it has resulted in a 40% reduction in cost per targeted account and a 60% increase in opportunities created (JIFFLENOW).

Additionally, users have experienced a 33% increase in average deal size, improved win rates, and faster deal closures, highlighting its strong impact on B2B marketing outcomes (TrustRadius) (Terminus).

Engagio (Acquired By Demandbase)

Engagio’s ABM software is meticulously designed to offer deep insights into how accounts are engaging with your marketing efforts.

Furthermore, these insights enable marketers to better understand the dynamics of account interactions.

In addition, they can then tailor their ABM campaigns more effectively to the unique characteristics of each account.

Engagio blends automation with personalized engagement strategies, facilitating more relevant and impactful communications.

This approach drives deeper connections with targeted accounts.



Known for its cutting-edge predictive analytics capabilities, 6sense is one of the crucial account based marketing tools for marketers who need to stay one step ahead of their target accounts’ needs.

6sense predicts the buying stage and interest of each account, enabling marketers to time their engagements perfectly.

This enhances the overall impact of their ABM strategies. 

This predictive approach ensures that marketers time their efforts well and align them closely with the current needs and interests of the accounts.

Consequently, this leads to higher engagement and conversion rates.

6sense has demonstrated substantial impact on engagement and conversion rates for its users through its predictive analytics capabilities.

For instance, Ivanti, a global IT software company, experienced remarkable results after implementing 6sense.

They saw a 154% increase in win rates year-over-year and a 43% increase in average deal sizes for opportunity pipeline generation.

Ivanti achieved a 71% increase in opportunities created, leading to $263.2 million in influenced pipeline (6sense).

Additionally, they saw a 94% increase in opportunities won, resulting in $18.4 million in revenue (6sense) (6sense).

hubspost abm software

HubSpot ABM Software

HubSpot is one of the account based marketing tools that offers an integrated ABM solution that seamlessly blends with its extensive suite of sales and marketing tools.

Moreover this integration is particularly beneficial for organizations that already utilize HubSpot’s CRM and sales platforms.

In addition, it allows them to leverage existing data and insights for their ABM campaigns.

HubSpot’s ABM software simplifies the alignment of sales and marketing efforts, and manages account data through a user-friendly interface.

This makes it a valuable tool for companies at various stages of their ABM journey.

HubSpot’s integrated ABM solution significantly enhances the alignment between sales and marketing teams, leading to better overall performance.

Businesses with aligned sales and marketing teams are 67% more effective at closing deals. (JIFFLENOW)

Additionally, organizations with highly aligned teams see 32% year-over-year revenue growth compared to those that aren’t aligned (HubSpot).

Additionally, 87% of sales and marketing leaders state that collaboration between these departments enables critical business growth (HubSpot Blog).


Account based marketing (ABM) is more than a fleeting trend; it represents a fundamental shift in how B2B marketing is approached and executed.

You’re right; let’s adjust that:

Businesses can create more targeted, engaging, and ultimately successful marketing campaigns by adopting and effectively leveraging the right ABM tools.

As we progress through 2024, these tools are proving indispensable in any ABM arsenal.

They aid businesses in forging stronger relationships and achieving greater success in their marketing endeavors.

Incorporating a service like Trigacy can significantly enhance your ABM efforts.

Trigacy specializes in providing tailored digital marketing services that complement ABM strategies by focusing on personalized customer interactions.

With Trigacy’s expertise, businesses can optimize their marketing outreach through customized content creation and precision-targeted digital campaigns.

Consequently, advanced analytics are used to track and improve engagement with key accounts.

Furthermore, this high degree of customization and targeted marketing is essential for optimizing ABM strategies.

Finally, it ensures effective engagement and resonance with the most valuable prospects.

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