Client Details

Name: Tamesol Solar

Services: Solar Panel Manufacturer and Distributor


Project Overview: Social Media Management, Blogs, Website Redesign, SEO, Lead Generation Campaign


Tamesol is a leading solar energy company with a commitment to excellence and innovation in photovoltaic products is. Their objectives with our Fractional CMO services were:

  • Increase brand awareness: Elevate Tamesol’s brand recognition and establish the company as a trusted leader in the solar energy industry.
  • Generate qualified leads: Target potential customers with a strong interest in solar energy solutions and convert them into viable leads for Tamesol’s sales team.


Despite Tamesol’s existing reputation, there were several challenges we faced in achieving our marketing objectives:

  • Intense Competition in the Solar Energy Industry: We needed to develop a strategic approach that would not only differentiate Tamesol but also attract and convert high-quality leads into customers.
  • Targeting the Right Audience: Identifying and reaching potential customers with a genuine interest in solar energy solutions has been complex.
  • Generating High-Quality Leads: We needed to develop strategies to attract qualified leads, those seriously considering solar energy and demonstrating the potential for conversion into paying customers.


  • Worked on ad campaigns that resulted in deal pipeline of more than €5M.
  • By implementing targeted content, conversion optimization, and lead nurturing strategies, we improved the website and their content marketing to convert 25% more visitors into customers.

  • Our demand generation campaigns on Facebook and Google resulted in 20-30 leads a month with a deal pipeline of several hundred thousand Euros.

  • The outreach email campaign strategy worked out very well when we used it to target both new audiences and past lost inquiries.

  • Regularly posting engaging content on social media platforms & website led to a significant increase in brand awareness and traffic.

  • Our marketing automation setup allowed Tamesol to reduce the overhead costs by 30%, while helping salespeople focus on the right leads at the right time.

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Campaigns Managed

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